A Blessed Summer Solstice to All from the Coven of the Catta and Lady Ember 3*

Today we greet and honor the sun arisen to the height of its power as we arrive at the Summer Solstice or Litha as it is called by many. In the Catta it’s simply called Summer Solstice and is a time when we honor the longest day and shortest night, even as all nights now from this point forward will gradually lengthen. Today the sun seems to stand still at its height and this has long been seen as a time to celebrate the fullness of life and abundance in nature, traditionally part of this celebration entailed bonfires built on hills with singing and dancing as this is truly a time of celebration and thanks. Tonight we also see the rising of the Strawberry or Honey moon, names given to the June Full Moon as at this time both strawberries and honey were often harvested by our ancestors. A Full Moon coinciding with a Solstice is quite rare, and especially with the Summer Solstice, making today and tonight doubly blessed as we see the celestial signs of the Great Mother and Her Consort arisen in strength and beauty. So at this time and on this day we honor both the Summer with all its warmth and life as well as the quiet serene beauty of the night as the Full Moon rises. Hopefully as we mark and keep these sacred times and celebrate each in our own ways this day and night will be blessed and joyous ones for all. BB Aren

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